Neural 61 extra: #officetruism by Jane Birkin


Neural #61 extra is an intervention by artist Jane Birkin. Her ’#officetruism’ is made of a set of ten coloured different postcards with statements about ‘office culture’. A page on Neural #61 shows the postcards juxtaposed, but in grey

Man/Woman in the Middle


Lauren McCarthy and Kyle McDonald’s “Man/Woman in the Middle” is an artwork applying the computer security “man in the middle attack” (an agent altering the communication between two entities), to their own relationship. They set up a server intercepting their

Okkyung Lee – Cheol-Kkot-Sae


CD – Tzadik

Okkyung Lee è una violoncellista sudcoreana di scuola improvvisativa, artista piuttosto eclettica che già dal 2000, anno del suo trasferimento a New York, ha lavorato mettendo assieme molteplici ispirazioni, come solista e in progetti collaborativi, fra jazz,

Cogito, thoughts into outer space


The enormous amount of radio information travelling through space carries, possibly, the biggest amount of conceivable data over immense distances. We mostly don’t contribute to this process, and this might be why Daniela de Paulis conceived the project CCogito.. She