Monolithe, inextricable artificial nature


Fabien Léaustic’s “Monolithe” is a monolith hosting the biotope of a phytoplankton growing outside water and producing oxygen, which affects the visitor’s environment. It’s living artwork, with a recognisable symbolic form, open to interpretations, and with a structurally modified ecosystem,

Alternative Face, physiognomic mapping


Appropriating a person’s physical data to generate programmed videos arbitrarily making use of it is technically demonstrable, using biometry and neural networks. Although outputs are still raw, the ethical concerns can arise rapidly, especially after elaborating proper manipulations. Quasimondo (Mario

Echo, colourful sculpted disasters


The evolution of sculptures through technologies has crossed used materials and manufacturing processes, but they’re still giving shape to concepts present in our world. Even when it’s about digital technologies, sculptures have to manifest themselves, like in the case of

Hive Mind, don’t speak


Communications technology has accustomed us to rapid developments that seem to tend to accelerate further. The web first, telephony after, plus all the declinations and variations on the theme: streaming, chatting, blogging … and this is only talking about the