Helloworld, results.

L ' Helloworld Project by Johannes Gees ended Saturday 13 December, and consisted in projecting in four different places of the earth (Morro dois Irmaos in Rio de Janeiro, the United Nations building in New York,

Holosonic, directional sound.

From the research phase of the directional sound is moving towards that of production. The Holosonic , a company led by researcher Dr.. Joseph Pompei, is developing three transducers 12, 18 and 24 inches in width,

Haptic Opposition, rebels machines.

After decades of speculation in science fiction literature and less clumsy attempts by the entertainment industry, the size of anthropomorphic machines are becoming more and more naturally in the social imagination, even if they are completely

Geneva03: WSIS? We Seize!.

Start today the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva and a large group of activists, united under the name Geneva03 is organizing some days workshops and conferences alternatives, despite having accepted, by some of

Democracy and New Media

The MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-10101-7 The sudden change in the rules imposed from access simultaneous and equal information, obtained through the network, sparked the curiosity of many social scientists that the last five years have