Practices anti-Nike.

The use of horizontal counter-propaganda tactics have access to the high speed delivery of electronic dissemination of information when they contain a core weight, which risce to enable widespread interest and curiosity. Although it dates back more than two years ago, then, the attack on the system of selling Nike conducted by Jonah Peretti is still school, for using the same means of communication and sales of the American colossus and be able to diffodersi network virally. Nike Sweatshop Emails was an operation that took advantage of the possibilities for customization, which is still in vogue, the series of sneakers NIKE iD, trying to insert the word 'sweatshop' on a model already paid. The sweatshop production workshops are unhealthy for multinationals, operating in the third world and that often employ minors with rounds of grueling work. The production of shoes was denied and the intersection of emails that ensued was republished on many other sites. Leveraging a popular diffusion of information was carried out successfully Nike Ground by, while it is still active NikeWatch , an observatory legal activities moves to undermine the grim production policies of the multinational.