links for 2007-11-13

Home snoop CCTV more popular than Big Brother | The Register
Forget the web, we want to watch real crimes.
(tags: tv hacktivism media net video)

Il dizionario come timeline del privilegio

‘Privileges’, Diane Landry, privileges.jpg

L’installazione ‘Privileges’ di Diane Landry consiste principalmente nell’alterazione semantica dell’ oggetto di uso commune ‘libro’. Un dizionario viene infatti trasformato in un flip book per animare la metafora dei privilegi culturali. Il numero

links for 2007-11-08

Spy cameras set up in Baghdad to counter insurgents – Yahoo! News
Iraq’s security forces have set up 250 “spy” cameras across the war-ravaged city to flush out insurgents and criminals, an official said.
(tags: hacktivism)

links for 2007-11-07

3rd international festival for arts, sciences and technologies, organized by Ciant in various locations in Prague
(tags: science art media)

David Watson – Fingering An Idea

David Watson

2CD – Xi
Droni dilatati oltremisura, sonorità ottenute accuratamente modulando ‘bagpipes’ (cornamuse) in armonie tonali suggestive, avvolgenti, intricate nelle spire melanconiche degli inviluppi seriali spesso percorsi da imperscrutabili secondarie derive. Un album

links for 2007-11-06

Blip Festival 2007
The Tank + 8bitpeoples presents a 4-day modern artistic exploration of primitive video game and home computer technology featuring 40 musicians and visualists from around the world.
(tags: music videogame sound preservation)