NaDa, the nothingness of the software.

Among the conceptual works that base their appeal on the paradox, NaDa well represents the world's commercial software industry and its representation in a browser window. NaDa, in fact, is presented as a product 'that does


<book + cd-rom>
Fact, ISBN 0-9541604-9-5

Curated by Armin Medosch, this ‘introduction to the free software world and to copyleft culture’ collects in an agile and graphically nice booklet, with cd-rom included, texts, works and software

Database Nation

O'Reilly, ISBN 0-596-00105-3 There are essays which were redacted, while showing next to the time that has passed since their first edition, are balanced and informative even after a few years. 'Database Nation' seems to

Alphawolf, wolves social simulated.

The realistic simulation of synthetic creatures inevitably passes on the credibility of conduct taken by the characters artificial evolution that fifteen years ago envisioned for them a'' artificial intelligence '. In this modulation of howling, which

<re:Play>, Games politicians.

Organized by the team of Radioqualia and the Institute for Contemporary Art at the Lounge Bar at Jo'Burg of Cape Town (South Africa), <re:Play> is an exhibition of 'critical games', ie of video games made ​​by