Tree Wave, obsolete computers for 8bit music.

Nell'effervescente electronic music scene there are 8-bit radicalizations interest in the use of computer tools atavistic, with bands that defy the 'limitations' intrinsic computers twenty years ago to assemble electronic music very special. The Tree Wave are an American band from Dallas, composed by Paul Slocum and Lauren Gray (vocals), with a market value in instrumentation ridiculous, but that encompasses machines used by a wide audience of musicians in the eighties. It is an Atari 2600, a laptop computer 286, a Commodore 64 by 83 and a dot matrix printer 85. All computers are run custom software that generates plus the color patterns related to sounds produced and displayed on a couple of TVs on stage, while the printer produces rhythmic patterns in the style of those 'invented' by [The User]. A technology, then, reclaimed and custom adapted to the times and exploited to the bone without limitation creative.