Author Archives: neural

Nicolas Nova (1977-2024)

nicolas nova portrait

When someone like Nicolas Nova dies, we are tempted to ask in despair: Why? Or rather: Why him? In the ir/rationality of life and death, we wish that brilliant and generous minds (a very rare combination) would simply live forever.

Neural 70, Alternative Metaverses

Neural 70 cover LaTurbo Avendon, Lu Yang

Neural 70, Alternative Metaverses . Subscribe now!

Issue #70 Autumn 2021 ISSN: 2037-108X

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Neural 67, Adversarial Tactics

Neural 67, Adversarial Tactics

Neural 67, Adversarial Tactics. Subscribe now!

Issue #67, Autumn 2020 ISSN: 2037-108X

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Material Music, a band of matter


Mo H. Zareei’s ”Material Music” features eight kinetic sound-sculptures made of an electromechanical actuator striking identical blocks of different solid materials, respectively brass, copper, aluminium, steel, hardwood, softwood, glass, and marble. The shifts in striking time are calculated through phase-shifting