RYBN – The Great Offshore


cassette – Les Intérêts Spécifiques

Financial trading and affairs permeate all parts of society, influencing every area of human relations through schemes, tactics, and often criminal strategies. There are approximately 12,000 billion dollars hidden in tax havens, claim RYBN, a collective of artists based in Paris who have been active for nearly 20 years in documenting and denouncing criminal forms of entrepreneurship and business. The financial virus requires immunity to proliferate and this comes from the liminal extra territories, the so-called offshore zones – hidden capital is permanently moving, bypassing every rule and dominating all it encounters. ‘If money is the bond that unites me to human life, that unites me to society, that connects me with nature and men’, Marx asked, ‘isn’t money perhaps the bond of all bonds? Can it not dissolve and tighten every bond? And so, isn’t it also the universal dissolver?’. These are essentially the themes covered in this audio narration which was first used as the soundtrack to the exhibition of the same name, held at the contemporary art center Les Tanneries in Amilly, in the Centre-Loire Valley region, an event which also gave rise to an extraordinary anthology of texts merged into a book divided into five sections: Offshore Governance, Speculative Practices, Art Market, Liquid Identities and New Spaces. The multidisciplinary approach of the collective seems to infuse every media they encounter and in this case, it is the voice of JF Blanquet that holds the scene with its neutral, peremptory cadence, effective in listing the financial glossary of these activists through a long enumeration of issues and action plans, strictly divided from A (for abuse) to F (for falsification) on the first side and from F (for fraud) to Z (as in free zone) on the second, for a combined total of 42 minutes. The proposed list functions as a historical memory of the autonomisation of capital in an era of its maximum development, the blind power of a virtual world that now invades everyday life. Having reached a point of no return through financial flows, we are all globally interconnected – thanks to the work of RYBN we are compelled to consider the consequences of this interconnectivity.


RYBN – The Great Offshore


RYBN – The Great Offshore