Alessio Santini – Kenter


CD – Elli

After playing the guitar in some dark black and doom metal bands in the nineties and working on different electronic music idm projects, fifteen years ago Alessio Santini started his own research on the granular processing of sound and interaction audio-video. In the meantime, he also found a music software company, K-Devices, mainly focused in applications for Max For Live. In Kenter an electric guitar and some acoustic drums are subject to some meticulous manipulations. The treatment is made in a conceptual, rough and digitally distorted way, dense in its constructions, which are full of solids, drones and consistent riffs. The drums in particular are micro-articulated with the use of specific software and also subjected to some granular re-elaborated versions. The process still keeps the warmth and the feeling of a real drum, but the sounds move into lands which are more synthetic and experimental. According to Santini, Kenter is a post-song experiment: echoes of choirs and voices resound in the four tracks, “Ffar”, “Sul Mare Nero”, “Sndaz Majorii” and “Destroy Destroyers”. Over the cuts, there is a bitter tension. The attention moves focus from the environment waves to the insisted noises, and the immediate audio emergencies keep hyper-vivid and beating the climax. This release by Elli Records, the house label founded with Emanuele Battisti, had in its masterplan the goal not to exceed with the multi-instrumentalism. The previous experiences are moderated, due to an abstract application. The work prefers the sound landscapes, the electroacoustic tensions and the qualities of the sounds. Contrary to the most common trend nowadays, the consistence and the length of the sounds are not necessarily dilated. In our opinion, this is a clear style choice, as a result of the desire to surprise the listener and hook his perception. Despite this the listener experiences does not seem short, the whole length of the four tracks is just 15 minutes and 35 seconds, and someone who is used to these works may feel staggered. Santini is a musician who creates his own instruments and this is always exciting, we also hope his work as a software developer may be followed step by step by his new musical proposals. If these are the premises, soon a lot of new material my come.


Alessio Santini – Kenter