links for 2007-06-04

Xerox adds clever anti-counterfeit measures to standard colour printers – gizmag
technology vs. crime vs. technology
(tags: media hacking)

$7500 buys a surfer’s life | The Australian
Sell your life on Ebay for charity
(tags: media art hacking)

Silicon Scally – Bioroid

Silicon Scally

CD – Satamile
Secondo album per Silicon Scally (aka Carl Finlow) che dopo il precedente ‘Dark Matter’ articola ancora efficaci sequenze electro ibridando le sonorità tradizionali di questo genere stilistico in forme

links for 2007-06-03

Cinemas use night goggles to nab pirates| Technology| Reuters
Trying to defend copyright by any means necessary
(tags: copyright hacktivism visual)

Japan’s latest mobile craze: novels delivered to your handset |
Ebook that works
(tags: literature media mobile)

Venezuela’s counter-revolution won’t be televised… but it

links for 2007-06-02

CD Gramophone player
Look and feel of players in different ages mixed up.
(tags: music)

The 337 Project
This fairly large scale work involved 144 graphiti artists adding their artistic interpretation to a soon-to-be-demolished building.
(tags: art media preservation)

The Market Function of Piracy – Mises

links for 2007-05-31

RIAA (Robotic Intergalactic Astro-Artists)
A mashup tribute to the pioneers of electronic music
(tags: music mashup sound)

Vinyl Workout
Visual/physical projected record player. Made by Theodore Watson.
(tags: art music sound)

links for 2007-05-30

Steve Beck – Paper TV
filtering photonic light from cathode-ray tube
(tags: art tv visual)

Pacemaker – The pocket-size DJ system
minimal djing
(tags: music)