links for 2009-10-07

Icelandic Town Made into a Sound Speaker System – PSFK
Icelandic Town Made into a Sound Speaker System
(tags: music sound design)

BBC NEWS | Technology | Anti-wi-fi paint offers security
Researchers say they have created a special kind of paint which can block

links for 2009-10-05

Automatic Glassware on Vimeo
"Automatic Glassware" is an electronic installation work of hundreds of autonomous light and sound generators that collectively produce an evolving field of audiovisual polyrhythms.
(tags: visual media video sound generative)

links for 2009-10-04

Longplayer – Recent News
Longplayer is a one thousand year long musical composition. It began playing at midnight on the 31st of December 1999, and will continue to play without repetition until the last moment of 2999
(tags: sound generative music)

links for 2009-10-03

HBO Imagine – Art Heist
HBO's Cube breaks a film into more than 35 scenes each presented from four angles
(tags: video tv interface)

Exhibition with Ben Woodeson at Skånes Konstförening
(tags: art media

links for 2009-10-02

Museum of Craft and Folk Art
The Open Source Embroidery exhibition presents artworks that use embroidery, thread, and code as a tool for participatory production and distribution
(tags: art exhibition media)

Disturb Me: Hotel Room Interactive Art – PSFK
The White Hotel in Brussels

links for 2009-10-01

It's adieu, .yu as web watchdog Balkanises domain name | Technology |
With the virtual bulldozers closing in on its online home, the former Yugoslavia is about to become even more former
(tags: net media)

m y b i e n n

links for 2009-09-30

<CopySouth Research Group and Network>
this unique dossier contains more than 50 articles examining many dimensions of the issue across the global South, such as access, culture, economics, libraries, education, software, the Internet, the public domain, and resistance
(tags: hacktivism copyright)

links for 2009-09-29

Nothing To Do With Arbroath: G20 protesters blasted by sonic cannon
Pittsburgh officials said that it was the first time the "sound cannon" had been used publicly.
(tags: sound hacktivism)

Gamers are more aggressive to strangers – life – 28 September 2009 –

links for 2009-09-27

BEK – projects: show
The Concertinome is a custom made instrument combining the concertina accordion with the monome style keyboard and electronic air pressure sensors
(tags: music sound)

links for 2009-09-26

50 things that are being killed by the internet – Telegraph
The internet has wrought huge changes on our lives – both positive and negative – in the fifteen years since its use became widespread.
(tags: net media)

Mixed Relations – Banglab
performers engaging

links for 2009-09-22

Abandon Normal Devices (AND) is a new cross-regional festival that questions the normal and champions a different approach
(tags: art video festival design media)

Art of Digital – Conference (CrowdVine)
The conference is