links for 2009-09-21

Urban Screens and Public Space Seminar – Medialab-Prado Madrid
Seminar about urban screens and public space directed by architect Nerea Calvillo takes place on September 28, 29 and 30
(tags: media video visual)

links for 2009-09-20

Conflux 2009
Conflux is the annual New York festival for contemporary psychogeography, the investigation of everyday urban life through emerging artistic, technological and social practice
(tags: mobile psychogeography festival performance art)

YouTube – 8-bit trip
1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of

links for 2009-09-19

Over 1,200 NYC Trash Cubes Sold – PSFK
To date, over 1,200 of his ‘Garbage of New York City’ cubes have sold to residents of more than 25 different countries worldwide
(tags: art hacktivism)

The Turbulence Sound Matrix or TSM is a truly

links for 2009-09-18

Touchable Holography
Touchable Holography, you can feel raindrops falling on your hand
(tags: video science)

Metilparaben: Generatore automatico di proclami di Berlusconi
A simple Berlusconi's blurbs generator (in Italian)
(tags: generative literature)

Mouth-to-Mouth (2009)
Mouth-to-Mouth, an installation featuring the intimate sound of a single kiss as the

links for 2009-09-15

// Anders Weberg // Artist and Filmmaker // Recycled Image Studio //
A 9hour 9minute and 9seconds long audio visual excursion by Swedish artist and filmmaker Anders Weberg, released on 2009/09/09 on p2p networks.
(tags: art net video mobile)

After the Net
After the

links for 2009-09-14

Don’t Click Here @ {Design Educator}
Are we controlling the mouse, or does it control us?
(tags: net interface)

Tijdverkijker is an interactive installation by Geert Mul exploring surveillance-kind of camera pictures in time.
(tags: hacktivism visual tv art media)

Mais je ne

links for 2009-09-12

ICC ONLINE | Open Space 2009 | Works | Mission G: sensing the earth
This exhibition introduces five projects that cut across art and science and share a common forward-looking vision. Each, looking towards the future of our globe, takes as

links for 2009-09-10

Quelques premières de l'histoire d'Internet
Nous n'évoquerons pas ici le "First!" proclamé en tête des commentaires, mais quelques grandes premières de l'histoire du web
(tags: net preservation)

You can persue your desire for slowing down your bustling everyday life in the

links for 2009-09-08

YouTube – the reacTogon – chain reactive performance arpeggiator
The reacTogon is a multi-touch sensitive music arpeggiator based on the harmonic table.
(tags: art media music sound video interactive interface)

artificiel : POWEr
POWEr is a performance based on high-voltage electromagnetic perturbations, by Alexandre