Alva Noto – Hybr:ID II


CD – Noton

This is the second volume of the Hybr:ID series from Alva Noto and features his compositions from the soundtrack to the Ectopia – Shooting in the Corner show at Tanztheater Wuppertal. The show, directed by Pina Bausch, is a creation of dancer and choreographer Richard Siegal who was inspired by a work from Anish Kapoor, an artist who constantly underlines ‘the strange relationship that exists in art between what is real and what is not.’ Indeed, this concept can be expressed by the word ‘hybrid’, a cross between different species, a term that derives etymologically from Greek meaning sin and arrogance, and which relates to fiction in real life. A fiction induced today by a whole series of mechanisms, prostheses of various types and new technologies which are an extension of our identities and our actions within the social sphere. These complex cultural dynamics – closely intertwined with each other – are the result of the coexistence of multiple languages in a common space. Alva Noto is at ease with similar interactions in which he can fully deploy his ethereal, intense, and geometric sound design. This is an expression of a particularly articulated, elegant, and at times, almost surgical, digital production. This release features ten tracks accompanied by an interesting twelve-page booklet with which we can compare the structures of the tracks by following the graphic notes of the sound and acoustic codes the composer used. These are meticulously designed and punctuated sounds, regulated by detailed rhythmic patterns while embracing cosmic fascinations and a sensitivity that is neither dark nor dystopian, yet the final articulation of the work cannot mistaken be as simplistic atmospheric aestheticization. Anish Kapoor’s shots give life to an ever-changing sculpture in a performance where the dancers are exposed without protection. This is also the case for the sound sequences deployed by Alva Noto. There is no defense, opposition, or rejection in this case to the hubris of the hybrid form which, with its Venusian appeal, goes from being austere to elegiac, from punctiform to fluid, from material to spiritual. Alva Noto fully deserves his fame – after so much time in the spotlight he can still produce such magnificent work.


Alva Noto – Hybr:ID II