Border Games, videogames Mexican immigration.

Border Games

The representation of social conflicts through the narrative of video games is one of the concrete opportunities to make a purely political message available to anyone, visually and interactively encoding an alternative view to the one usually propagated (or completely silenced) by the media. Border Games is a pair of games, made by Rafael Fajardo of the University of Denver, which playfully sparsely and at the same time represent the drama of the flow of migrants to the border between the U.S. and Mexico. 'Crosser' and 'La Migra' enact two sides of the same coin, namely the prospect of illegal immigrants and that the forces of repression, albeit with the same intent. In Crosser, in fact, embodies 'Carlos' trying to take it across the border with the United States, causing him to avoid being hit or stopped by 'La Migra', the border police. The ultimate goal is a 'green card', ie one of the opportunities of U.S. citizenship offered as prizes by the government that establishes access to the American Dream. The polar opposite is, in fact, La Migra, in which there should be put in the same un'impiegato border police must constantly keep an eye on the border and handcuff the fly 'alien invaders', trying to imprison (or suppress) the largest number to achieve the status of 'agent of the month'. Technically perfected (in both the mac version than in the Web) and much more raw approach (much less structured than that of Molleindustria , for example), reminiscent of classics such as changes sisters Mary , who treated problems of over-exploitation in women, but it helps, in each case to develop those models of representation that are able to trigger political points of view, disconnected from the reality of mass media.