Tag Archives: emusic

Vocaloid, singers synthetic.

It is thanks to the computational capabilities of the newer computers that software like Vocaloid Yamaha can be used on home computers. The program is a speech synthesizer capable of generating an output 'sung' and not

MyTunes, share files with iTunes.

It is difficult regimented the possibilities of the software, especially when you offer opportunities for expansion through standard overt. MyTunes is specially fill a void left by Apple and its popular iTunes music player software that

NoWax, ipod and MP3J.

Following the latest summer trends Yorkers in London there is a monthly event dedicated to iPod owners who want to try as a DJ, or, as stated in the last neologism, such as 'MP3J'. At Dreambagsjaguarshoes

Gymnopédie No.1 in modern sequencing.

Experiments like Gymnopédie No.1 demonstrate how the mixing of media obtained from the web can easily transform artifacts acquired, transporting, reviewed and changed into a new dimension. The popular music of Erik Satie here is enriched