An art school in Iraq.

The U.S. military has not only brought freedom in Iraq, but has also recruited a group of contemporary artists to teach the people of Iraq as the fundamental basis del'arte American. American artists, dressed as Marines,

Sounds from the First Satellites.

The sharing of historical sound sources is invaluable opportunity made possible by computer networks, through which you can access documents acoustic that is very difficult access. This is exactly the case of Sounds from the First

Sbart, genetics generation of images.

The generation of two-dimensional graphic has gained momentum from the historical system that Karl Sims had presented in 1991 ('Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics') allowing you to generate abstract images from another image of departure. The

Story Streams, film collaborative networks.

Story Streams is a digital film created in real-time by some young independent filmmakers around the globe. One purpose was to implement the tradition of oral narrative with digital editing techniques. Each participant created his own

Cosmophone particles as sounds.

Cosmophone is an installation of Frenchman David Calvet who tries to make a sound dimension to the elementary particles that surround us. These generated by cosmic rays do not affect in any way our body, yet

Textual Tango, appointments text.

Textual Tango is the new work of web art of Jessica Loseby, already among the authors of The Cyber ​​Kitchen . To crowd the screen are texts that are composed by sequencing the dynamic arrangement of

Drum machine steam + techno memorabilia.

A drum machine steam in England in the late nineteenth century might suggest to the fantastic environments developed by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling in 'The Difference Engine', instead of true question (similar) document in proof