BananaSlug, serendipitous surfing.

BananaSlug Steve Nelson is another example of Google-creative art that uses semantic combinations to query the vast database. The concept is at the center of the 'serendipitous surfing', ie the navigation guided by the 'serendipity', a

Babyloner, remixing language.

The sound of different languages ​​has always been a special charm, so much so that many have shared in youth the experience of enchanted listening to the music of a radio station that broadcast in an

Scratchrobot, by email to scratch.

Transform data is one of the most interesting practices of contemporary electronic artists, they move from one domain to another domain of knowledge interfacing software and sometimes even pieces of hardware. Scratchrobot made ​​by the Belgian, the radio to measure.

'Share taste instead of files' reads one of the payoffs of , broadcaster streaming in London which carries updated techniques to customize his plays. Drawing on the experience of years developed spontaneously in mailing lists

Portrait responsive, interactive portraits.

If the wonder of science fiction from the early days was to equip the machines with 'emotions', in electronic Comtemporanea are anthropomorphic behaviors to systematically peep from the works, inspiring the definitive overcoming of the interface