Melt the warm touch electronically.


The 'point of contact' in telecommunication services, namely the feeling of being close to an entity real or imaginary, is a seemingly random factor, which in reality is revealed in the decisive involvement of the

PEART, The Robotic Drum Machine.


One of the decisive factors for certain is that anthropomorphic robotic mechanisms, ie as the automatic machine reflect human characteristics credible. This also applies to those automata that do not have a shape similar to

The Cinema Effect

The MIT Press, ISBN 0262033127 The element 'magic' of cinema, namely the still image that suddenly you 'soul', as described in the report of the first screenings of Lumiere still there today, in the rooms,

Lemur, the screen programmable music.


The interface of the electronic musical instruments, has always been a problem of language, that abilitasse the musical dialogue man-machine in order to make satisfactory interaction and the results produced. The conceptual problems that from