Abstraction Now

Edition Camera Austria, ISBN 3900508518 The process of 'abstraction', ie the opposite of the approach to a figurative description of the concepts and represent them through appropriate linear forms and color combinations, found in digital

Groovetube, the lights of the TV.


The rapid and continuous changes of colored light integrated into each telecast stress to our visual perception costuiscono a light source continues. This keeps stress of the retina, to which we are accustomed in part,

How to win Super Mario Bros.

How to win Super Mario Bros

it is easy to find sites or magazines that provide the solutions of video games. They often show the overall structure of the levels, or reveal secret passages indicate tricks

Thinking Machine 4, see he plays.

Thinking Machine 4

The invisibility of thought has in common a striking parallelism with the invisibility of the programming code. The processing, conceptual or algorithmic they are, in fact, have the remarkable ability to produce tangible

TV-B-Gone, turn off the screen harassing.


The dominance of invasive video broadcasting more and more our population 'around'. The screens (of explicit propaganda, or repeat signals entertainment peppered with propaganda) are multiplying, pervading places until now bare of illuminated pixels, such