(edited by) canecapovolto – Retrodigital


canecapovolto/Scuola FuoriNorma, USB Drive, Italian, 2018, Italy

Experimental music is usually not tied up to a specific territory, with some exceptions. In Italy, Sicily is one of them, and one of the historical groups traversing radical media art productions is canecapovolto, originally founded by Alessandro Aiello and Enrico Aresu, attentive to both local experiments and developing an international network since the early 1990s. This is the latest canecapovolto release, a collection of 37 hi-res videos distributed on a USB drive protected by a small piece of cloth inside a small transparent plastic box. There are seventeen artists interviewed, interposed with roundtable discussions, addressing the technical, sociological and aesthetic dimension of their own experimental music practices. It’s divided into five sections: “Background noise and memory”, “Sense of history”, “Function creates the tool, DIY practices”, “The machine who lived twice, circuit bending”, “Listening matter, contact microphones and piezo music”. It’s a collective conversation with different philosophical approaches, sketching a microcosm which has developed over the years with specific results. The bigger picture, finally composed after listening to the different artists involved, resonates with its introduction mentioning “the mistake, the matter, the chaos, the unconscious of the machines and the mystery of sound have still a lot more to say”. Meant to be a product, this work nonetheless retains a consistent open quality: new videos are sent when ready to those who bought it.