Fighting copyright: Grey Tuesday + Adorno.

Two emblematic episodes are bringing the fight for the right to free exchange of content on the network. Tuesday, February 24 was the 'Grey Tuesday' in which nearly 170 sites hosted files indicted for a day of Grey Album by DJ Danger Mouse, despite the ready letters of the law offices of EMI. The band went early in saturation for the high number of requests, and many other sites without much ability they have chosen to give a gray background of protest to their home page. With the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has questioned the legitimacy of the same EMI own the copyright of the White Album, the large number of protesters and those who have benefited played brilliantly those 'temporary autonomous zones' at the end of the nineties theorized by Hakim Bey, constituting one of their previous history. On another front Luetgert Sebastian, animator , a site for years makes downloaded in text format books famous literary and political, is risking arrest. The Hamburg Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Culture asked him to pay € 2,300 for the unauthorized publication of two texts by Theodor W. Adorno ('Jargon der Eigentlichkeit' and 'Fascism and Anti-Semitic Propaganda'), laid the foundation would have rights. The complaint was made in 2002, without any communication, which, once notified of the same saw to remove files immediately. The foundation, whose name has become ironic implications least, has even challenged a request for doctoral free to repay the damage caused, pushing even further the demand for payment or arrest. At this point Luetgert has decided to make public all, relying in support of the amount of people who are accustomed to self-determined rules that apply in your network, see the absurdity of the request. Persecution on the two texts of Adorno seems even more ironic, bearing in mind the contents of the texts themselves. Various ways of supporting Luetgert, including a petition , a banner , and buy a copy of The Conceptual Crisis of Private Property as a Crisis in Practice , to support the legal costs.