Neural 74 extra: 30 Artists Celebrate 30 Years of Neural + 20 of Crónica flexi disc


The subscribers will find an exceptional object attached to the centrefold: a flexi disc. It constitutes a small dream come true: after so many years we have been able to produce an official music release in full, making it also an ‘artists’ record’. It is another incredible collaboration: it’s a split release with the Crónica label, who are celebrating their own 20 years of activity, hence the joint title 30+20, and without whose experience, knowledge and patience, it would have never been possible. It has been a fantastic journey as all the thirty artists that we have jointly selected and involved have agreed to donate 9 seconds of
sounds, collectively realising an homage to the above mentioned spirit and the quality of the results (which is recursively part of our spirit too).

30 Artists Celebrate 30 Years of Neural + 20 of Crónica
30 Artists Celebrate 30 Years of Neural + 20 of Crónica