(edited by) Victoria Bradbury, Suzy O’Hara – Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement


Routledge, ISBN-13: 978-0815374916, English, 246 pages, 2019, UK

Art Hack Practice answers a call for a critical perspective on the maker movement. This successful edition, edited by Bradbury and O’Hara, brings together a small but vital constellation of practices, practitioners, facilitating institutions, curators and artists. Arguably the collection charts an unconscious network that spans the entire globe, exploring different – even contrasting – visions and attitudes. Each text gives an account of projects and practices developed through maker spaces, hackathons and media labs, usually cooperating with external entities and institutions. Among the highlights throughout the nineteen chapters are: Cangiano, Fornari and Seratoni’s initiative to invite members of the avant-garde group “Gruppo T” to work with young people in a fab lab, reimagining previous projects; Olga Mink elaborating on the specificities of the Baltan Lab’s methodologies; Grimm and Bakr’s use of 3D printing to cross time and borders for Palestinian heritage and craft; and all the curatorial strategies of O’Murchú, Tsao, Aedo, Freeman, Redler-Haws, and Papadimitriou. This is an attentive selection, and an anthology of meaningful practices in western and non-western contexts, constructed through video conversation with the authors. It forms a vital resource for developing all sorts of lab and maker-related endeavours.