Michael Renkel/Sonia Bender – 7ft_Konka

Michael Renkel

dvd – Absinth
Electronic textures, frequencies, fuzzy sounds, improvised moments which always come back to cyclic sequences, iterations that mimic the images, which are well programmed and selected in homogeneous loop groups. Proceeding with an extreme coherence of audio-video correspondences, Michael Renkel and Sonia Bender effectively integrate even the most demanding musical sections, the ones that, in the free forms of a guitar noise, stand out from the melodic and repetitive patterns. The varied visual inspiration that mixes abstract cuts and sometimes figures in crystallized movements is counterbalanced by the refined sobriety of images that, without too many language crossovers, in a pop dimension, connect several stylistic influences. Fluctuating images, multiform digressions, often stressed by numbers that specify ‘inches’ and ‘feet’ of a film reel. The overall impact is of a very accurate and enthralling work, perfectly in line with the quality of Absinth, a label that testifies the vitality of the Berlin underground.