View Finder Heatmap

View Finder Heatmap, view_finder_heatmap.jpg

Which are the visual rules that are stimulating attention? How abstract objects o image’s areas are look-catalyzing? These are the questions behind View Finder Heatmap, a project inspired by the last 25 years of research in artificial vision and by the neurological studies on perception and cognition. According to these studies there are three elements determining visual attention: light, color and composition. ViewFinder Heatmap, is able to simulate this attention level, drawing a thermal map, while considering the human visualization process as an algorithm. The related website (Feng Gui) has an internal search engine to test the used methodology. It generates a screenshot of the thermal map constructed on the requested website. Blue, green and red enhance the attention areas, i.e. the points that will attract the eye first and longer. ViewFinder Heatmap is one of the optimizing and analysis tool (like Montastic and Page Strength) that recently has started to pop up for tempting the user in monitoring their website smooth running. Feng Gui underlines how in the interactive world the sight is still leading the other senses. Perpetuating a primacy got thousands of years ago, sight is also still leading action, attention and individual netsurfing. Especially in the commercial field.

Francesca Tomassini