Situated Contemporary Art Practices, Art, Theory and Activism from (the East of) Europe

Marina Grzinic

ZRC Publishing / Revolver, ISBN 3937577408 Marina Grzinic, artist and theorist of media, is among the leading expert in the peculiar evolution of the media in art and in society in the territories of the former 'Eastern Europe' This collection of essays is an important compendium of polished analysis of the practices that have gone through in the last fifteen years these places. A 'location' that, in fact, took over borders liquid grafting characteristics of territories liquid assets, in turn, for their unique historical moment. One of the consequences of the swoop of the media in these territories was the radical redefinition of the terms of time (the collapse of the Eastern bloc, with a different scan of living between the before and after) and the collapse of space (through the creation and social diffusion of cyberspace, wittily known as the author). The media and artistic movements that have crossed them have played a unique role during historical moments, such as several national television stations during the bloody civil war of the former Yugoslavia, the territory in which it was set on the sensational fake Darko Maver of 0100101110101101.ORG , as well as the critical role played cultural NSK in Slovenia or the background on which it has developed the uncertain identity of Netochka Nezvanova. The transformation, therefore, the previous cultural isolation in a lively curiosity about the outside world and a critical ability to rework their past, along with the re-appropriation of technologies, has been a significant strength. Artistic practices, here, have never prescisso from a specific critical consciousness, while the analysis of their intentions and their effects outlines a scenario from the past precious value, witnessing definitely as an important piece of the future of media art is born and raised the east.