The OpenEEG project, process publicly neural data.

OpenEEG project

The rough terrain of our study on brain function is bankrolled by a few decades of control and entertainment industry, to try to enslave the unconscious mechanisms to the logic of consumption and subjection. For this reason, the importance of sharing knowledge and technologies that can investigate sull'intricato functioning of our gray matter is strategically necessary in order to make public standards and specifications, as proposed by ' Open Biometrics Project , and to provide open tools develop use. OpenEEG The project is one of the most ambitious projects of open source that brings together the community of hardware and software developers interested in the so-called 'neurofeedback' also said EEG (Electro Brain Gramma) biofeedback. The techniques of analysis of data collected by sensors and electrodes stuck to his head are many, with promising potential for personal development, such as that relating to greater self-awareness and one's reactions, thanks to the real-time display of cerebeale. Supplied with free licenses are available for download, among others, Neuroserver, which implements the coding of EEG data through the TCP / IP protocol, and then allows the transmission on the Internet, BrainBay, an application that supports a midi output, or BWView, capable of displaying the frequencies of brain waves. Tool for discussion and mutual support (mailing lists, faqs and whatnot) complete the tool kit of the prerogative of a community that in his work pragmatically defends a piece of the future.