Furminator, the pinball machine under the eyes.

neural.it new media art

The most popular games and innocent people may be subject to carefree dependence gratificativa, as thin and agonizing fear, depending on whether you simply different point of view from which they are benefiting from it. This seems to be the central thesis of the work of the group Fur of Cologne, has already been active for some time with jobs like SoundSlam , PainStation , LegShocker and Furninja . One of the last of the collective installations is Furminator , a pinball machine with the game plan at eye level, all within a container that isolates the outside. One of the deliverables of the group is this different, and often perverse perspective of the game, in which the patina of harmonious fun is corroded by primal instincts little mediabili, which take precedence over the player. Furminator in the usual reassuring distance from the action of pinball (which resulted in the protection plan of glass) is disrupted from being at the same eye level of the plan where the ball flickers jumping and banging between the various mechanisms. And this hyper-realistic immersive throws the look of the player in the fray of objects, forcing him to rapidly develop the skills of survival, driven by the perception of danger of the new dynamic situation. The prospect 'first person', finally, does the verse to the dictates of the most popular video games, playing using the space according to the gaze, no longer in simulations of computer graphics, always perceived as such, but with a look that is able to embrace only concrete objects, ie without any kind of protective simulation.