
The project Italian_Hacktivism_and_Art , realized by Tatiana Bazzichelli (AHA) for Read_me Festival 2004 , consists of a plagiarism of the work made ​​by the famous netartisti The map shows the different connections between Hacking and Art in Italy, starting with the idea that these concepts are closely related, especially if the focus of the interpretation are the hacktivist practices and the wider network of the Italian netculture. The real significance of the project, whose interface shows a map of different realities, collectives and artists in Italy, is still in the source code (source code) that is "behind" the graphics. By reading this, you can see how the groups are linked into categories that reflect the iterpretazione scenario by the author. These links start from the number (1), and that 'the middle on the map hacktivism (hackmeeting are present and all hacklabs Italian). From what, winding several other experiences that go hacking article, up to the number 15 (following a path that goes from the center to the left to the right). There are collective and reality 'that belong to the scene hacktivism but not limited to: the following code, you also get to actually' a bit 'more' away from this concept, however, are more 'or less related to interests and field of action. The author starts from the idea that hacking is really a form of art and who does hacktivism puts in place a trial on inguaggio, the code and the newspaper that goes to create a new social and cultural model. The map not only shows in fact a network of reality, but a different approach that sees the code "culturally oriented" as many works of art testify software. Following this point of view, are shown the IP addresses of some Italian, highlighted with an icon of a computer if have their own server. When there are close links between projects, the icon is rather that of a running rabbit. Icons and code are one in showing the idea of ​​the network, inviting them to perform numerous other rip-off of the map of jodi, so as to create a more 'largest network formed by different mental connections of many other users.