Rfdump, change the RFID tag with a PDA.

The tag RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) are microscopic devices are applied to objects, which allow the identification by radio signal that are answered by exploiting the same energy. Touted for a more efficient management of the transition of the goods at different stages of production and distribution chain are a major threat to privacy, as signals potentially traceable even after the purchase. A short distance from the adoption of the standard on the part of some big American distribution companies (Wal-mart and Target in particular) has been announced rfdump , a software tool platform (Windows and Linux) created by Lukas Grunwald, which allows you to edit (meta) information contained in the device, such as the ID, tag type, the manufacturer, and so on. Just a PDA and a RFID reader to edit the data on the fly recording the changed data. Grunwald explained the software, freely downloadable at Black Hat Briefings Security Conference in Las Vegas, showing the remarkable possibility of abuse by producers to users through a 'cookie' supplemented by a number of features. Then we welcome the brave who devote their time to dismantle the devastating toys acquisitive and paranoid industry. Maybe because they do not die controlled.