Bad IP Block List, hold off the nosy the majors.

In the relentless struggle between users and programmers of peer-to-peer, on the one hand, and the lobby of the music industry on the other, alternating wins and short successive reversals in the face. With the spread of the shares spontaneee, we have witnessed the emergence of companies designed to pollution of the networks of equal exchange on behalf of the majors , and the subsequent extension of the technique unofficially by the same label as well as of some famous artists like Madonna . Now they are spreading effective countermeasures to quest'inquinamento unwanted and implemented by a small minority, by blocking their IP numbers. Bad IP Block List is one of these, which is updated regularly with new data, often together with the identity server 'infector'. Another effective self-defense of a very extensive international community that reacts whenever the industry tries to irregimentarla in its iniquitous measures. Waiting for the next move …