September 11th terror to remember.

September 11

. Art
September 11
11:09:02 September 11 terror remember.
From the dark precognition of 1968, in an advertisement for the New York Times which was displaying the fact that it was "the greatest danger to a plane of the tallest towers in Manhattan" (defined as 'the mountain'), republished in the last issue Sunday, the net is teeming with sites and reports concerning the scaigura a year ago. In addition to the invitation, strange but true, the same conservative daily to turn off the television and devote himself to personal reflection, boycotting the jackals of the video ready to do anything to scrape together auditel points. Among the opportunists to be counted also the museum of the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) with an exhibition on terrorism in New York just opened. Mold completely different is the silent collection of front pages of newspapers on 11 and 12 September 2001 made ​​by Newseum, through which we can identify the mechanisms of propaganda and those of the 'media-hype' perfectly applied in over seventy examples of graphic communication and publishing. Even the art on the web has found its mode of interaction with what happened a year ago. ' Birds and Water 'artist Gametone the web can be taken almost as a symbol of moral frustration suffered by the American average, crushed in an absurd downsizing of its certainties. And so the shockwave movie in question there was a metaphorical loop where white birds that drop straight into the water, getting up in the air and systematically falling again after a few twirls chirping. An escape from the terror and the fall unconscious and his refusal that echoes in the movement of this land pristine digital. The sarcasm, however, seems to be the main engine of Todd Hulin, who overwhelmed by the hordes of tourists hungry for pictures of the ruins postmodern put on the site of the ' Twin Towers theme park over Ground Zero (the largest in America) ', a parody which emphasizes that the memory can easily go in the wrong direction. On the other hand, the artist Desalojo in the heart of Soho (Prince Street) sells its mini.opere, or packs of matches of the hotels and restaurants in vogue, in which only two of the same cerini are left intact, while others are shaped like the skyline of the financial district. These representations ironic and macabre are sold from 5 to 20 dollars. And always in the street, act the Surveillance Camera Players, with a performance in front of the webcam of Times Square , in the proclaimed World Day Against the video surveillance, together with colleagues from Bologna around handing out leaflets in the surrounding area of surveillance cameras. Speaking of alternative images, however, the filmmaker Jay Rosenblatt and Caveh Zahedi have assembled a program of 31 personal video of as many New York artists in 'Underground Zero', which will be screened tonight in Berlin during the meetings Transmediale . But our oral tradition hold in its memory a lot more words and sounds, that the titles of the news. And then the Sonic Memorial Project has put online its archive of personal testimonies, sounds, melodies and sound interventions artistic dedicated to the same essential theme. A river of sound that expresses more of the same images seen in the loop for thousands and thousands of times.