Go around the great firewall of China.

. Hacktivism

10:09:02 Go around the great firewall of China.
After the announcement of the block of the most popular search engine (Google) on the part of the Chinese authorities, a hacking superfine was able to get around what was ironically called the 'great firewall of China'. It is a mirror site of all Google, called elgooG , ie as Google, but spelled backwards, which in addition to hosting the millions of pages, making them visible to the Chinese memorizing all the words to the contrary, including the interface! Even the research of course be made by writing the terms from the last to the first letter, and the results are perfectly identical to the main engine, but also their writings in this bizarre form. After the restrictions in Google, Altavista and more recently also imposed for the critical internal policies, from time insensitive to the most basic human rights, the government has also censored proxies such anonymizer.com and safeweb.com, it seems mainly to protect the upcoming November elections. The 45 million Chinese Internet users can connect only via state providers that block the content they want so easily.