A jukebox mp3 from the structure of an old video game bar.

. EMusic

07:06:02 A jukebox mp3 from the structure of an old video game bar.
How to turn an old arcade bar in a perfect jukebox for mp3 files. A hacking 'physical' of the structure was carried out by the aforementioned Rexxx, one of the editors of madville.com, site not new to physical daring reinterpretations of reality. On the web you'll find a step-by-step , how to gut the old wooden box and give them life with an Athlon 1.2 Ghz and 128 mb of ram and a 20 gig hard drive. The software used MAME is equipped with special software to manage mp3 ( Arcade Jukebox ). The sound is then radiated through five cases, including two for surround, and the selection of songs can be performed with the joystick as standard.