links for 2010-02-25

ElectroSmog International Festival for Sustainable Immobility
The ElectroSmog festival is a critique of the worldwide explosion of mobility, and an exploration of the new forms of connectedness with others offered to us by network and communication technologies
(tags: festival conference mobile net)

Sonicity, uno spazio di dati vivo


Con l’installazione Sonicity l’artista inglese Stanza aggiunge un ulteriore significativo capitolo alla propria ricerca di nuove metafore in grado di trasferire su un piano sensibile le infinite interazioni determinate dall’attraversamento di uno specifico ambiente

links for 2010-02-24

OMG TV – ch 14, vancouver |
OMG I'm on .TV is post-analog TV station broadcasting in Vancouver on channel 14. We're broadcasting internet content to your TV, through a low-power TV transmitter. The website acts as an aggregator of

Sturqen – Piranha


CD – Kvitnu
Intricate sequenze ritmiche, aleggianti suggestioni techno-trance e attitudini noise, ispide contaminazioni dal mood energetico e caosmotico, evolvono in “Piranha”, ultima fatica a firma Sturqen, assecondando un sentire oscuro ed elettronico,

links for 2010-02-21 -Symposium sonification.en
Symposium Sonification (what, where, how, why). The purpose of this symposium is to conduct a state of the art review of the use sonification* within art projects, with a focus on the use of data taken from our

links for 2010-02-20

Student claims school spied on him via computer webcam | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/19/2010
"engaged in improper behavior in [his] home, and cited as evidence a photograph from the webcam embedded in [his] personal laptop issued by the school district."
(tags: privacy)


links for 2010-02-17

UCSB Press Release: "UCSB Art Professor to Show Work at Winter Olympics Digital Art Exhibition "
We Are Stardust is a two-screen projection installation that uses infrared sensors to connect the real-time location of the audience
(tags: art science privacy visual)

links for 2010-02-15

YouTube – Lego Augmented Reality
Really interesting kiosk at the Lego Store in Woodfield Mall, Schaumberg, IL
(tags: augmentedreality visual)

exquisite_code » About
exquisite_code is an algorithmic performance system for heterogeneous groups of writers.
(tags: art generative literature)