Neural 75 extra: a postcard pointing to an AR extension of the artwork Ejector by Tim Høibjerg


Ejector by Tim Høibjerg is an extension of the multimedia installation of the same name, a fractal sculpture and a video work that focuses on structures found both in nature and in the digital realm. Høibjerg’s intervention in Neural is a visual and textual composition on a page and an attached postcard with a QR code that links to an Augmented Reality (AR) version of the sculpture that can be viewed in the reader’s own environment. It is in fact the first artists’ intervention in Neural to use AR/XR technology.

This is the description of the original work:

“Ejector is a multimedia installation that looks into the perception of reality, the body, and spirituality, weaving these elements together to understand their impact on the formation of identity. Influenced by the advent of new technologies and the widespread dissemination of cultural forms, this narrative delves into how these forces shape our sense of self. Set against the backdrop of our evolving digital landscape, it highlights how the boundaries of our tangible existence are constantly being redefined.

Connected to this is the concept of digital ontology. This refers to the life and essence digital objects possess, whether it’s a piece of software, a digital sculpture, or an AI entity. These objects, while devoid of breath, pulse with life through code and algorithms. They influence and are influenced by us, their human counterparts, creating a symbiotic relationship.

In the installation, the fractal sculpture embodies self-replicating structures that exist in both nature and the digital realm. Fractals, with their ceaseless repetition, symbolize continuity and renewal. They serve as a tangible testament to the intertwining of our physical world with the digital.

The accompanying video work creates an interplay between the tangible and the digital through different speculative narratives and characters’ psychology. These narratives challenge our perceptions of self and other, exploring the fluid boundaries between human and digital entities.”

[up]Loaded Bodies: Ejector