6.0 Life, art and artificial intelligence.

The sixth edition of Life / Vida , Madrid competition of artificial intelligence and art has produced its annual verdict on the best works, which are rewarded, if increasingly rare these days, with various cash prizes. The jury composed by Daniel Canogar, Chris Csikszentmihalyi, Machiko Kusahara, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Jane Prophet and Nell Tenhaaf has awarded the first prize ex-aequo to 'Dog [Lab] 01' of the 'France Cadet', a hybrid recombined of robotic dogs that have been implemented bizzare nuances of character, and ' The Central City 'of room, while the third prize went to' Concrete Music 'Ethan Bordeaux, Ben Recht, Noah Vawter and Brian Whitman, a generator embedded in music a small concrete block, ready to evolve its its for exactly thirty years. As in ' edition 4.0 , were also bestowed the 'honorary mentions' a: 'Aguas Vivas' by Peter Bosch and Simone Simons, who plays with the visual conventions of AI through a distorted picture of an engine with water, 'Artificial Architecture, 1.0' Francisco Javier Fernández Herrero, a generator infinity of architectural structures, 'White Square' Hanna Haaslahti, where credible shadows simulated autonomous and follow the viewer and interact with each other, 'The Chinese Room' by Mina Langstrom, a big brother of animated characters that in turn control the user via a webcam, 'Pockets full of memories II' by George Legrady, an infinite sequence of memory associations generated by objects scanned 'Haptic Opposition' Simon Schiessl, a simulation of the resistance of a machine, and even of his rebellion, and, finally, 'Morfogénesis' Jaime Del Val – Proyecto Reverso, a performance that does track the movements of the dancer to turn his own body into a more abstract second of his movements. The aspect emphasized by the comments of the jury itself leaves no doubt as to an approach that more than enhance the excellent technique, allows for a reading of original research, rewarding ideas that induce a reflection at the bottom and discarding of unnecessary special effects.