Democracy and New Media

The MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-10101-7 The sudden change in the rules imposed from access simultaneous and equal information, obtained through the network, sparked the curiosity of many social scientists that the last five years have begun take an interest Collecting data and historicizing processes that have often assumed autonomous forms, finding their spaces effective intervention in the social imagination. Democracy, development and information are the themes of this text which is home to several studies, more or less up to date, the use of new media in democratic ends, describing, among others, the fate of the first documentaries historical and social aspects of South African independent television, as well as the practical limitations of daily use of the Internet in China, as well as the paradoxes of the limitations telephone between the United States and Cuba in parallel to the freedom inherent in their connection to the network. While maintaining a distinctly academic, all of the information provided describes a multi-faceted framework that does not fail to give a glimpse of more than one way to practice direct influences on the systems of governance and control. The concrete possibilities go far beyond other 'reports' slightly commented here, as they have amply demonstrated numerous projects over the last ten years (from netstrike the faking of official sites, to the socialization of knowledge networks and hardware recycling), but remains a possible reflection on the generous amount of supplied data and on a vision of 'top' of the battles for the rights of the digital citizen that is extremely helpful.