Angélica Castelló – Catorce reflexiones sobre el fin


LP – Gruenrekorder

These recordings from Mexican composer Angélica Castelló were originally developed in 2019 for an installation at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca and are now released on the Gruenrekorder label. The tracks are relatively short with only one of them lasting more than five minutes. They allude to the end of life and have been developed with the use of field recordings and unconventional sounds from various musical instruments, radio frequencies, quotations and references to other songs. Echoes of multiple languages can also be heard. The sound quality is intentionally non-homogeneous, corresponding to the nature of the recorded materials, not worrying too much about format or resolution. Nor is there any special manipulation of the sound sources, everything seems to be the result of different juxtapositions. A new beginning always provides new energy: each of these meditations might also be meant as the viaticum for a new journey or existence. Angélica Castelló is at ease when she plays an abstract combination of sounds. Her multifaced approach facilitates the creation of relationships between music, performance, visual arts and daily life, adding other sources of inspiration into these areas, such as literature, aesthetics and philosophy, in an elusive union between modernist collage, electroacoustic music, along with contemporary conceptualism. Then even fragility becomes a strength, and what could only once be dreamed of is able to manifest itself, culminating in something that is disturbing and adventurous, meditative and fragmentary, experimental and visionary.


Angélica Castelló – Catorce reflexiones sobre el fin