Francisco Meirino & Miguel A. García – Nonmenabsorbium


CD – Idiosyncratics

This is an unprecedented collaboration between Francisco Meirino – the prolific electronic composer living in Losanna, well-known for his works on the Misantropic Agendeìa, Entr’acte and Antifrost – and Miguel A. Garcia, aka Xedh, a digital manipulator coming from Basque, publisher of Cronica and Idealstate, and well known for dense, prolific but also thorny and reactive sounds. Nonmenabsorbium is the title of this collaboration made for Idiosyncratics which has an aggressive sound impact and keeps alive this climax with a mixture of sound sources and highly manipulated frequencies, giving birth to disquieting and sibilant layers. The approach is absolutely rational and the listener’s perception is defied due to uninterrupted micro-variations, volume shifts, sound periods and grainy plots which give body to a never-flattened experience. The authors declared “we aimed at a raw and fresh composition, not necessarily noisy but fierce and intense.” This aim seems to be close but still abrasive and little musical parts aren’t missing; these are full of abrasive and abused sounds. The charm displayed by the following of digital interferences and signals always ideally refers back to possible interpretative mistakes concerning the work layout, transmitted as a kind of language, sometimes buzzing and difficult to decode even though suggestive and rich in a multitude of overloading sound expressions. In the given tracks “Cancelesseusretry”, “Abholicater”, “Speechlesslessonless”, ”2nd Nalcii”, “197degree5” and “Horrorrydclowses” there is no concession to sugar-coated manners and fine expressions. These are born from the proceeding of meaning and extreme assonances, obsessive and mechanic passages that refer to the tradition of brutisme and industrial, puryfing those mannersims, an ideal recomposition of contrasting and contemporary shapes.


Francisco Meirino & Miguel A. García – Nonmenabsorbium