Demagógiaprotektor™, mechanically induced reaction


The passivity induced by politicians’ rhetoric has been gloriously celebrated from biology to art and mass media theory, but it has never been accredited as much as after the populist waves within politics which occurred in 2016. The pervasive disillusion of the general public has deeply resonated with all kinds of participatory digital media, self-perpetuating in different ways, over and over. Demagógiaprotektor™ by Dániel Cseh is addressing these wide-shared feelings and attitude, using a structured makers strategy. It is a middle finger exoskeleton printed in 3D, adjustable to the individual wearer, and powered by a servomotor, and using Google’s speech recognition. When an updatable and predefined set of sentences is recognised, it raises the finger for a little while. What it literally assists is a minimal forced reaction, simultaneously certifying the watcher’s passivity, but confidently re-awaking his or her ability to react, as in a desperate attempt to revitalise a seriously compromised sufferer.


Dániel Cseh – Demagógiaprotektor™