We need to improve digital communication, info-retrieval and sharing also by means of a new kind of hashtag hopefully named
!Abracadabra keyword
Queries and strategical queries
A query may be not a (simple) query. A query can be the first words you think about a topic you want to focus by search engines but may be also a strategical key to retrieve and have access to important info-treasures.
Do you remember Alì Baba? Once he learned “Open Sesame” phrase he had access to a wonderful treasure: nowadays #information is the modern treasure but you still have to know the right keyword to access it!

I have always wondered why “word” and “world” representing quite different concepts (entities as search engines experts love to say…) are written (english language docet) in a so similar way… then after several years i convinced myself that words are in some ways worlds or, at least, they can represent them.
The matter is always the same: choose the right word and you’ll find a world!
But what’s the right key-word able to represent a specific world and let us access a specific info-treasure?
How to get and recognise strategical queries
As above described strategical keyword must be a phrase that give us a SERP (Search Engine Results Page) made-up of homogeneous results all of them relating to the same concept. We must learn to distinguish strategical queries from hashtag topics with the last goal to have a phrase that must be useful to retrieve and access to an info-treasure. So how could I represent a so strategical key-word?
As # is commonly used to identify topics on twitter and other digital communication
networks ! can be used to identify strategical queries: the ! symbol may be the right one as it is located in the keyboards of all over the world and it means and communicate ATTENTION relating to many cultures and languages.
Nevertheless, while I am discussing of this idea with colleagues, students and friends since 2012 also publishing a specific scientific proposal on recent times several internet linguistics experts and researchers are discussing about the need to distinguish index hashtag from comment hashtag
In some way I propose to take into consideration index hashtags and name them !Abracadabra keyword (Ops… I have just written Abracadabra keyword in the Abracadabra keyword style… ;)
Why Abracadabra?

‘Cause in some way it’s a magical word spoken all around the world since ancient age and meaning “I create as I speak” in Aramaic and “I will create as spoken” in the Hebrew language (so… keep calm and Abracadabra on digital networks…).
To understand what it is an !Abracadabra keyword it is also important to understand what is NOT an !Abracadabra keyword… an !Abracadabra keyword is NOT a social tag because it is not useful to tag an identity on a social network and is NOT also a topic to comment or discuss on social networks: an !Abracadabra keyword is vice-versa a specific tag to identify an entity in an homogenous and useful way.
!Abracadabra idea comes from…
Of course, this is NOT properly an idea of mine: it’s a result of my personal awesomeness coming out from several years of browsing and dreaming about a better (digital) world by means of a better use of words also taking into consideration:
+ the !Bangs DuckDuckGo options to take advantage of different search engines such
as Bing, Yandex or Baidu;
+ playing with !Easter Eggs on videogames and computers;
+ applying !google dorks to some of my professional duties.
Moreover human fellows are facing this kinds of matter since many years dealing with !folksonomy while tagging on social networks, !ontology while searching a way to the semantic Web and !etimology while trying to understand history and evolution of words.

Which apps for !Abracadabra keywords?
To better undesrstand the potentialities of !abracadabra keywords you must take into consideraition the following application proposals but first of all you must agree that you are actually using several abracadbra-kind apps: take into consideration Shazam and think about it as a marvellous way to retrieve, collect and share songs discovering and remembering their names (and authors).
Also bitly is, in some way, an abracadabra-kind app as it is useful to collect and share !url by naming them in a short but also significant way.
If you must communicate with someone and storytelling about an info-treasure that can be a location, a song, a web site, a concept, an idea, etc. you may use an !abracadabra keyword in a very useful way as the fellow listening you by email, chat, voice or other kinds of communication tools will take advantage of the !abracadabra keyword to remeber and retrieve the info-treasure that can be a location, a song, a web site, a concept, an idea, etc.
Collecting and organising
You may consider !Abracadabra keyword as a possible link between !thesauri and dictionaries as it can be useful to define a term (dictionary function) but also to structure a list of terms (theaurus function) designing Related, Broader and Narrower Terms (RT, BT, NT) as in the following example…
!Heatmap – A useful tool to predict the behaviour in a digital interface.
BT: !usability – The science of end-user behaviour.
NT: !gaze plot – The design of the single attention points.
RT: !eyetracking research – A tool to understand where the eyes are looking at.
Retrieving, browsing and sharing
Of course the natural function of an !abracadabra element is to help people retrieving useful information on the Net by means of search engines.
Of course using strategical keywords instead of generic ones is a great chance for everyone but we may also imagine some news ideas of browsing and searching…

Loving search engines and Google too I have never understood the alphabet policy to imitate social attitude instead of trying to interpret it within the info-retrieval shell.
Let you imagine, for example, a special way to search and retrieve information within a search engine by means of !abracadabra keywords activating a real-time chat with other logged users using the same queries…
Browsers and search engines can be enforced by the social attitude but you must mix the tools in a significant way also if you understand and let express the power of words!
Conclusions (gimme yours…)
I hope this can be a light schema for a significat revolution (if you know what i mean…) for our digital way of life but after all these words and worlds do you think our daily life could be better introducing !Abracadabra keywords in our info retrieval, story-telling and sharing procedures?
(Enter a dialogue, get in contact)
Enrico Bisenzi aka Ferry Byte thanking daddy for his precious English lessons…
!Abracadabra thesaurus relating !Abracadabra key-word concept
!Open Sesame phrase
“Open Sesame” (Arabic: افتح يا سمسم iftaḥ yā simsim, French: Sésame, ouvre-toi) is a magical phrase in the story of “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” in One Thousand and One Nights. It opens the mouth of a cave in which forty thieves have hidden a treasure. From my preferred result on Google 10-15-2015: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Sesame_%28phrase%29
The word Abracadabra may derive from an Aramaic phrase meaning “I create as I speak.” This etymology is dubious, however, as אברא כדברא in Aramaic is more reasonably translated “I create like the word.” In the Hebrew language, אברא translates as “I will create” and כדברא “as spoken”.
From my preferred result on Google 10-15-2015:
!Bangs DuckDuckGo options
Bangs allow you to search on thousands of sites, directly From my preferred result on Google 10-15-2015: https://duckduckgo.com/bang
!easter eggs
In the context of software (get that Cadbury Bunny out of your head!), an Easter Egg is a hidden feature or novelty that the programmers have put in their software. In general, it is any hidden, entertaining thing that a creator hides in their creation only for their own personal reasons. This can be anything from a hidden list of the developers, to hidden commands, to jokes, to funny animations. You’d be surprised just how many things contain Easter Eggs…
From my preferred result on Google 10-15-2015:
!google dorks
Google Hacking Database
From my preferred result on Google 10-17-2015: https://www.exploit-db.com/google-hacking-database/
A folksonomy is a system in which users apply public tags to online items, typically to aid them in re-finding those items. This can give rise to a classification system based on those tags and their frequencies, in contrast to a taxonomic classification specified by the owners of the content when it is published.
From my preferred result on Google 10-17-2015:
Ontologies are considered one of the pillars of the Semantic Web, although they do not have a universally accepted definition. A (Semantic Web) vocabulary can be considered as a special form of (usually light-weight) ontology, or sometimes also merely as a collection of URIs with an (usually informally) described meaning.
From my preferred result on Google 10-17-2015:
History and evolution of words.
From my preferred result on Google 10-17-2015: http://www.etymonline.com
URL is the abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator. URL is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web.
From my preferred result on Google 10-18-2015: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/U/URL.html
A reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms), in contrast to a dictionary, which provides definitions for words, and generally lists them in alphabetical order.
From my preferred result on Google 10-18-2015: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thesaurus
What is a browser? It’s a piece of software on your computer. It lets you visit webpages and use web applications.
From my preferred result on Google 10-18-2015: http://www.whatbrowser.org/intl/en_uk/