(edited by) Omar Kholeif – You are Here: Art After the Internet


Cornerhouse Publications, ISBN: 978-0956957177, English, 272 pages, 2014, UK

Hinting at the liquid definition of “post-internet”, the title of this book successfully expresses the process underpinning this concept. This is an anthology with contributions from twenty-two artists who undertook a one-year residency program at The White Building, a prominent art and technology centre in London. Almost all of them can be considered digital (or internet) natives and this is clearly reflected in their texts. Here is a fresh, realistic and sometimes very inspiring look at internet art, one that is occasionally naïve but free from unwanted nostalgia. It was not by chance that the editor decided to consider 21st century works as only the starting point. The work even includes some hints about the future of this area (a topic almost completely absent from contemporaneity). Our ability to cope with multiple perspectives simultaneously (which we constantly do on the screen) is reflected in the three sections: ‘essays’, ‘provocations’, ‘projects’, whose content is often juxtaposed. The emerging scenario is fragmented, but surprisingly consistent, mapping a lot of open questions inherent to many of the paradoxes imposed by our internet-dependant daily lives. But far from self-establishing as a major reference, the anthology questions its own approaches and definitions (including the disputed “post-internet” term), expressing itself as an open and constantly evolving field. This could be the first book in some time to properly address internet art in a contemporary (and quite controversial) way.