Josh Russell – Music For Geiger Counters

Josh Russell

minicdr – Koyuki
Texan producer Josh Russell manages micro-sonorities, ambient electro-acoustics and audio deconstructions through the tangles of an ultra-minimalist aesthetics, which wavers between quiet clicks and rarefied as well synthetic drones. It’s the evolution of sound inspired by accidental daily events. Noises are often just filtered and subsequently assume the status of delicate miniatures, amplified micro-particles, which distill an intimate coherence. Specific laptop music paradigms are used for trills, electronic chimeras, and audio happenings. There are only two tracks in this Koyuki mini-cdr, using a technique between granular synthesis and sophisticated patterns. What emerges herefrom, are cyclical modules ordered by tone, or by more structured moments, which are dense and rich in infinitesimal juxtapositions and intricate textures.