Zero labyrinth, maze without walls.

Labyrinth Zero

Among the possibilities of the code of video games is certainly to disrupt and displays, the 'rules of the game' of the classical schemes. The mazes, for example, are based on research (es) pathways that lead to the goal, ultimate goal to reach. In Labyrinth Zero , Andrei R. Thomaz, the same labyrinth, or rather the limits that trace the possible paths have become invisible, putting the user in the face of immediate sensory evolution that has to deal with a question detectable only by the inability to proceed in a given direction (the whole browsing a space in vrml). The adaptation is difficult, and it is aided by the ability to bring up the barriers intermittently, after winning one of the red blocks scattered in the path. The invisibility of the walls and having to guess the presence for authors is the result of a vision of Borges from which they were inspired, in which the desert was likened to a maze without walls, but here the metaphor is extended to a virtual space , whose walls are code that turns on and off visually by a few parameters. This weak structural difference becomes an abyss perception that extends to the rules of the game, the difficulty of which involves the establishment of an evolutionary path.