The Spam Letters

Jonathan Land

No Starch Press, ISBN 1593270321 impotence that each recorded daily against spam is linked not only to the possibility of 'stop' invasion of their private space of electronic communication, but also the inability to react in a truly effective, neither from a technological point of view (all the techniques devised so far have obvious 'holes'), or from a human point of view, or legal, given the difficulty of detecting and locating the real leaders of unwanted email. Jonathan Land has turned this frustration in a series of written responses to spammers from time to time while playing the role required, and facing with dialogues or statements tones of mock benevolence, anger or equal brazenness the devious proposals received. Supporter of Negativland , the author shares the irreverent attitude and performative, playing with the ambiguity of metaphors, direct language of the email and the Waltz of the nicknames used. The result is a collection of literary performances, certainly among the most interesting on the issues of spam, hilarious, obsessive, at times hysterical, and that fully expresses the common feelings in the face of inevitable reading of messages. But this 'revenge' potential, mediated by the coolness and humor of the author collects the laughter of the readers and empathize with them in the anti-hero who fought with theatrical verbal saber stormtroopers of our mailboxes.