Life vs Life, cellular automata in struggle.

Life vs. Life

In the seventies, the mathematician John Horton Conway devised a software that showed how very complex phenomena such as the equilibrium of ecosystems could be described by simple concatenations of events. The game of life is considered the first example of a cellular automaton, a system can self-replicate in an unpredictable manner on the basis of a few deterministic rules. The universe is outlined with a table that can accommodate an automaton live in every box. Once populated in an arbitrary way this matrix, one can observe its evolution in the course of successive generations. At each generation, the software determines the survival of the automaton according to neighboring boxes. If the cell remains too isolated or in an area too overcrowded die otherwise survive to the next generation or generate other adjacent cells. Despite its name, the program of Conway has very little playful and perhaps because of this a couple of artists has decided to make some slight modifications to allow for a competitive mode for two players. In Life vs. life of Eric Williams and Justin Bakse two populations of automata vie for control of a matrix trying to extinguish the species half. Unlike what happens in most video games, human intervention is required only at the beginning, when you configure its own population. Once you press the play button generations follow each other in a frantic swirl of colors to achieve a situation of stability. The winning configuration will be stored in an archive in order to be "challenged" by other players. The populations most aggressive go up the top of a ranking in a kind of Darwinian evolution determined collectively.