Tag Archives: emusic

Ohrwurmbeschleuniger, microwave audio.


The sound installations in recent years are discovering, thanks to the techniques of receiving, analyzing and manipulating digital sounds that lurk in our surroundings. Frequencies obtained from bodies and sounds that vibrate at a short

Instant City, sequencing bright.

Instant City

The music sequencing generated by sequences of objects materializes one made by some luster with the software programs, transferring the habits of juxtaposition of the sound samples in a physically accessible, and fulfilling from

EVPmaker, synthesis of esoteric items.


The EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) can be considered as an esoteric phenomenon whereby recording ambient sounds seem to perceive voices, physically unexplained. The spoken sentences, then, appear to be precognitive of events, or revealing elements

MPF, upset the mp3.


The transition from the mp3 format files in a medium of communication has been made at the turn of the millennium with Napster before and networks then equal. The role of content traveling in the