Net.Art. Loarte connection

The book Net.Art Loarte Connection, published by the publishing house Shake has always been attentive to the emerging realities of the underground culture (and not only) Italian and international, traces the history of international

Gymnopédie No.1 in modern sequencing.

Experiments like Gymnopédie No.1 demonstrate how the mixing of media obtained from the web can easily transform artifacts acquired, transporting, reviewed and changed into a new dimension. The popular music of Erik Satie here is enriched

Deaf 03, Date Knitting

Is it possible to reproduce the experience of an electronic art festival filmed in a documentary? Abiding by a sort of moral obligation, the Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2003 of 2003 dubbed 'Date Knitting', has produced, electronic loops visuals.

The create with simple shapes generated by computer visual rhythms that pulsate agreeing with a piece of music is one of the characteristics of vjing, which defines one of the approaches to the graphical representation of, text that illuminates one place.

Rafael Lozano Hemmer is an artist who has long specialized in the interaction between its research and public use and electronic technologies, creating a unique path that has materialized in the seminal installations Vectorial Elevation ,